Saturday, July 17, 2010

5iVE STAR x Throw him away

Check out the collage-style video for SAWA's Throw him away! It's made up of several photos of various people, with the chorus done by SAWA singing into a corn-on-the-cob!... Keep an eye on it!

Hopefully everyone's enjoying the new album.. I'm thinking about doing a poll for everyone's favorite tracks off it, we'll see.. (I think for me, currently, probably NightBus *nods*)

If you haven't seen the DVD yet, you shouuuuld. It's worth the money, even without the ManyColors and Stars (which is my favorite, even still) vids. Both the Creating Sa-world and Behind the Scenes documentaries are quite in depth and funny to watch.

If you follow SAWA's myspace blog lately, you'll kinda get a feel for the main documentary.

I also recommend picking up the new issue of MARQUEE if you can! This scan doesn't even begin to capture how sweet this picture is. It's a really interesting magazine on it's own, even without their SAWAlove. They cover bands from underground and those who have moved on up in the world as well!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any more pics from her MARQUEE photo shoot?
