Sorry it's a rather large + funky file (Media Player Classic might be your best bet if you can), but you can look at this geeky drawing I drew on the back of a receipt while you wait! :D Daaaaaah...

ALSO a new SAWA x 5iVE STAR video has went up.. same premise really, 'cept in a green dress and in the streeeets.

New lives are steadily coming up on her website. I've not seen any set-lists yet but I kinda wonder if she'd play a full set or just a couple new songs with the usuals. The longest sets she's done are at her release parties (usually with at least a new song!) so I guess we'll probably have to wait 'til then.
I hope they film it! It seems some of the Swimming Dancing release party was filmed since it showed up very briefly on the Sa-World DVD, so I kinda wonder...