Sunday, September 20, 2009

Swimming Dancing

OH MY GOD! She wastes no time!
*ahem* Source, Official Website

SAWA 4th Mini Album
Swimming Dancing
2009.11.25 release
BONUS TRACK入り初回盤:ESCL-3346 ¥1,680(tax in)
通常盤:ESCL-3347   ¥1,575(tax in)
M1. Swimming Dancing ...Produced by ☆Taku Takahashi
M2. World-Wide Tea Party ...Produced by ☆Taku Takahashi
※初回盤・通常盤はジャケ違い/初回盤にはBONUS TRACK収録

So, 2 new tracks, 4 remixes, and a currently unknown bonus track (let's hope it's a new track and not a remix :P)!

She's apparently already performed Swimming Dancing live at LIQUIDROOM. Exciiiiitement...

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